Bursary for BIG Members
Bursary for BIG members to support attendance at CBIA or IBITA courses.
Purpose: to assist occupational therapists and physiotherapists in the provision of quality care of the neurologically involved patient by reducing the financial burden of traveling and course costs to attend CBIA or IBITA courses.
Guidelines for successful applications:
- Member of the BIG.
- Priority will be given to those therapists who have to travel from out of province to the course site.
- Applicants may only receive the bursary once in a calendar year. Preference will be given to suitable applicants who have not previously received the bursary, or applicants who are unable to access other sources of funding. The number of successful applicants in a year will be determined by the number of applications and funds available. ( 30% of Big Funds will be available each calendar year or, in case there are insufficient funds in the budget, a lesser amount determined by the BIG executive).
- Applicants should have a percentage of their caseload that have neurological (CNS) involvement.
- The bursaries will be granted each year at the discretion of the BIG executive
- Applicants should apply in writing, or e-mail with the application form available on the BIG proboards site, to the BIG executive c/o the secretary, outlining the course to be attended, why they wish to attend, the cost of the course, accomodation and travel.
- Monies will be reimbursed upon proof of attendance of the course.
- Monies not claimed each year will be retained in BIG funds.
- The cut off date for submission of expense claims will be December 31st.
- The BIG executive will determine eligibility of candidates.
- A record of those receiving a bursary will be kept by the BIG executive.
- Bursary recipiants will be expected to write a commentary on the course highlights for the chat forum on the Proboards site.
- Application form can be found here